Kalanand's January 2014 Log
January 4th
Phantom quartic coupling samples
Some recent phenomenology papers on quartic couplings/ BSM/ Higgs
Partially strong vector boson scattering:
And all the Phantom samples (LHE files) are on the eos at cern
January 7th
Jet resolution in CMS and ATLAS
The approximate jet pT resolution in CMS is
ΔpT/pT = (4/pT) ⊕ (0.2/√pT) ⊕ 0.07,
with pT in GeV.
Somehow we didn't include this information in the
JME paper, but the paper does have data-MC comparison
plots of jet resolution:
(section 7, pp 33)
This is for PF jets. If you look at Fig 34 bottom plot, the
resolution at 100 GeV is about 8-9%. The above formula
gives 8.3%, which is good enough for rough estimation.
The resolution for pure colorimetric jet at 100 GeV is
significantly worse: close to 12% (Fig 34 top).
For comparison, I came across the following poster from ATLAS
In Monte Carlo ATLAS has
ΔpT/pT = (5.6/pT) ⊕ (0.5/√pT) ⊕ 0.04,
with pT in GeV.
This gives them 8.5% resolution at 100 GeV jet pT.
January 22nd
SMP citations and H-index
From Jeff Berryhill.
Out of my own curiosity I was playing around with INSPIRE to compute
the citation rate and H-index of various physics subgroups in CMS.
Here is a search string I concocted which picks out all SMP and EWK
preprints or publications, and select QCD publications listed in
PhysicsResultsSMP as hard QCD studies.
This link should work well into the future, it should update correctly
with new pubs as long as our reports are categorized as SMP or EWK
(and if qcd-11-006 ever gets published you can add it by hand).
Our current H-index is 22. Recall that this is defined as the maximum N
for which all N papers have N or more citations. Therefore we have 22
pubs which have 22 or more citations. We have 37 PUBs and 6 more
submitted but not yet published, with an average citation rate of 40.6
per paper.
It is easy to modify this search to compare with other CMS groups,
because the report field in INSPIRE includes the CADI number:
"SMP" as defined by PhysicsResultsSMP = 22
HIG 18
TOP 18
EXO 29
BPH 17
SUS 24
HIN 19
All of CMS 64
All of ATLAS 60
ATLAS does not distinguish the physics group for their report numbers,
so their subgroups can only be studied by hand.
Finally I wrote down a lightweight Python package
to query Inspire-HEP database and analyze h-Index
of various collaborations. Here is the first commit:
and the resulting plots
I still need to add various CMS sub-groups (SMP,
HIG, EXO, TOP, SUSY, ...) in the comparison chart.
Jeff provided the following feedback in this thread
I was struck by the big change in ATLAS and CMS numbers wrt my own,
so I looked a bit more carefully and suggest the following refinements:
If you search only on "Collaboration" you get CONFs and CRs in
addition to publications. If you look at my suggested search
string it crudely attempts to exclude those by requiring an
"eprint arxiv", exploiting the peculiar practice of LHC experiments
never to submit preliminary results there. This excludes all of
the highly cited preliminary notes (this is not perfect, because
some people submit conference proceedings and the like to arxiv,
however those are never highly cited and therefore do not impact h).
But this will not work for all experiments. You could achieve a
similar global effect by whitelisting journals and requiring them
before computing h.
By this metric I get CMS h = 65 and ATLAS h = 66.
Indeed CDF and D0 are skewed even by the eprint filter because
they have many highly cited CONF's (mtop/mw/higgs combinations
typically) which they did submit there. So I would go with a
whitelist to get the most unbiased number (for example CDF and D0
are nearly 100% PRL or PRD, and maybe D0 did Nature once). That
should not be too hard with python automation, right?
Here is another simple option that does almost exactly what I
want: there is a search field "type code" which for option "p"
selects only published papers in refereed journals:
This dramatically reduces CLEO and Babar h, e.g. due to the
abundance of arxived CONFs they created.
I have tweaked my search query following Jeff's suggestion. The
results seem to much more correct than before, although I am not
completely happy with them, because there are a few pathological cases.
I guess I will have to set white flags for publication, after all
there are a finite number of physics journals where one can publish :-)
January 23rd
Core dump of some recent articles on dark matter
- [1211.4873] Prospects and Blind Spots for Neutralino Dark Matter
- [1211.5129] Dark matter signals at the LHC: forecasts from ton-scale direct detection experiments
- [1212.0011] Higgsino Dark Matter and the Cosmological Gravitino Problem
- [1211.7063] Taming astrophysical bias in direct dark matter searches
- [1212.0864] Dichromatic Dark Matter
- [1212.3352] Collider searches for dark matter in events with a Z boson and missing energy
- [1212.4520] Hidden Photons in beam dump experiments and in connection with Dark Matter
- [1212.5013] Model Independent Analysis of Interactions between Dark Matter and Various Quarks
- [1212.5230] Using Energy Peaks to Count Dark Matter Particles in Decays
- [1212.5241] Neutralino-stop co-annihilation into electroweak gauge and Higgs bosons at one loop
- [1212.5247] New techniques for chargino-neutralino detection at LHC
- [1212.5587] Gravitino dark matter with constraints from Higgs boson mass and sneutrino decays
- [1212.5647] Interplay between Fermi gamma-ray lines and collider searches
- [1212.5709] Hidden from View: Neutrino Masses, Dark Matter and TeV-Scale Leptogenesis in a Neutrinophilic 2HDM
- [1212.5604] 2HDM Portal Dark Matter: LHC data and the Fermi-LAT 135 GeV Line
- [1212.5652] Stepping Into Electroweak Symmetry Breaking: Phase Transitions and Higgs Phenomenology
- [1301.0021] On the likely dominance of WIMP annihilation to fermion pair+W/Z (and implication for indirect detection)
- [1301.0819] Cosmic Microwave Background Constraints on Dark Matter Models of the Galactic Center 511 keV Signal
- [1301.1773] Hidden sector dark matter and Higgs physics
- [1301.5908] Dark Matter CMB Constraints and Likelihoods for Poor Particle Physicists
- [1303.0899] Neutrinoless double beta decay at the LHC
- [1304.3464] Higgsogenesis
- [1304.7779] Probing Dark Matter at the LHC using Vector Boson Fusion Processes
- [1305.0928] Neutralino dark matter confronted by the LHC constraints on Electroweak SUSY signals
- [1305.1605] Dark Matter in the Coming Decade: Complementary Paths to Discovery and Beyond
- [1305.1611] Matrix element analyses of dark matter scattering and annihilation
- [1305.6609] Particle Physics Implications and Constraints on Dark Matter Interpretations of the CDMS Signal
- [1306.1567] Dark matter and collider signatures of the MSSM
- [1306.1790] Revisiting XENON100's Constraints (and Signals?) For Low-Mass Dark Matter
- [1306.2349] A Spin-Dependent Interpretation for Possible Signals of Light Dark Matter
- [1306.3217] LHC constraints on photophilic dark matter models
- [1308.0592] Dark matter with $t$-channel mediator: a simple step beyond contact interaction
- [1308.0355] Probing Supersymmetric Dark Matter and the Electroweak Sector using Vector Boson Fusion Processes: A Snowmass Whitepaper
- [1308.6799] Beyond Effective Field Theory for Dark Matter Searches at the LHC
- [1309.6936] Measuring Properties of Dark Matter at the LHC
- [1310.1072] Shedding Light on Dark Matter at Colliders
- [1310.1083] Unitarity Constraints on Higgs Portals
- [1310.1750] Split-SUSY Under GUT and Dark Matter Constraints
- [1310.1859] Supersymmetry and Dark Matter post LHC8: why we may expect both axion and WIMP detection
- [1310.1962] Dipole Moment Bounds on Scalar Dark Matter Annihilation
- [1310.2617] Flavor and Collider Signatures of Asymmetric Dark Matter
- [1310.3509] Bounds on self-interacting fermion dark matter from observations of old neutron stars
- [1310.3466] Combination of e+/e- ratio from AMS-02 and gamma ray line from Fermi-LAT with implication for Dark Matter
- [1310.4491] QCD effects in mono-jet searches for dark matter
- [1310.4776] SUSY dark matter(s)
- [1310.5361] Metastability of the False Vacuum in a Higgs-Seesaw Model of Dark Energy
- [1310.5217] Dark Matter 2013
- [1310.6047] Gamma-ray constraints on dark-matter annihilation to electroweak gauge and Higgs bosons
- [1310.7609] Fermi Bubbles under Dark Matter Scrutiny Part II: Particle Physics Analysis
- [1310.7945] Direct Detection Portals for Self-interacting Dark Matter
- [1310.8230] Cosmic Rays from Heavy Dark Matter from the Galactic Center
- [1310.8327] Snowmass CF1 Summary: WIMP Dark Matter Direct Detection
- [1310.8621] Dark Matter in the Coming Decade: Complementary Paths to Discovery and Beyond
- [1310.8642] Snowmass-2013 Cosmic Frontier 3 (CF3) Working Group Summary: Non-WIMP dark matter
- [1310.8214] First results from the LUX dark matter experiment at the Sanford Underground Research Facility
- [1311.0029] Dark Sectors and New, Light, Weakly-Coupled Particles
- [1311.0126] Extension of Minimal Fermionic Dark Matter Model
- [1311.1088] Observation and applications of single-electron charge signals in the XENON100 experiment
- [1311.5764] Dark Matter or Neutrino recoil? Interpretation of Recent Experimental Results
- [1311.5864] Geometric Compatibility of IceCube TeV-PeV Neutrino Excess and its Galactic Dark Matter Origin
- [1311.6465] A New Method for the Spin Determination of Dark Matter
- [1311.7131] Determining the structure of dark-matter couplings at the LHC
- [1311.7641] Complementarity of WIMP Sensitivity with direct SUSY, Monojet and Dark Matter Searches in the MSSM
- [1312.2547] Weinberg's Higgs portal confronting recent LUX and LHC results together with upper limits on B^+ and K^+ decay into invisibles
- [1312.2592] Mono-Higgs: a new collider probe of dark matter
- [1312.3945] Combined Flux and Anisotropy Searches Improve Sensitivity to Gamma Rays from Dark Matter
- [1312.4100] The Planck and LHC results and particle physics
- [1312.4445] IceCube, DeepCore, PINGU and the indirect search for supersymmetric dark matter
- [1312.5325] Identifying dark matter interactions in monojet searches
- [1312.5695] WIMPs and Un-Naturalness
- [1402.1275] On the Validity of the Effective Field Theory for Dark Matter Searches at the LHC, Part II: Complete Analysis for the s-channel
- [1402.2285] Monojet versus rest of the world I: t-channel Models
- [1402.3629] Self-Interacting Dark Matter from a Non-Abelian Hidden Sector
- [1402.6287] Benchmarks for Dark Matter Searches at the LHC
- [1402.7137] Search for Low-Mass WIMPs with SuperCDMS
- [1402.7074] Mono-Higgs Detection of Dark Matter at the LHC
January 28th
Checking out CMS package from the old CVS location
You have to set the CVSROOT environment variable like so:
setenv CVSROOT ":ext:@lxplus5.cern.ch:/afs/cern.ch/user/c/cvscmssw/public/CMSSW"
January 31st
Page rank formula
Assuming edges B→A, C→A, D→A, ..., etc., the page
rank for A is given by the formula
PR(A) = (1 − d)/N + d * [PR(B)/L(B) + PR(C)/L(C) + PR(D)/L(D) + ...],
where d = damping factor
N = number of vertices
L(x) = # of outgoing links for X.
Summary of graph features
- Number of edges ∝ (Number of vertices)2
- There are three types of graph analytics: structural algorithms,
traversal algorithms, and pattern matching algorithms
- A random graph has exponential distribution:
n(d) ∝ (1/2)d
- Human generated data has Zipf distribution, e.g., letters in the alphabet,
words in the vocabulary, etc:
n(d) ∝ 1/dx
- Diameter of a graph = longest of all shortest paths
- Connectivity coefficient = Minimum #vertices you need to remove that will disconnect the graph
- Closeness centrality = Average length of all shortest paths
- Betweeness centrality = Fraction of all shortest paths that pass through V
- Degree centrality of V = degree(V) /|E|
- Important nodes have high degree
- Graphs can be traversed by breadth-first search (BFS), depth-first search
(DFS), or using Dijkstra's method just like in the case of binary search tree
- SQL-like query language for graphs: SPARQL
- RDF (Resource Description Framework) defines a formal data model for
"triples" (i.e., subject, predicate, object)
- A triple is just a labeled edge in graph
Representation of a graph
There are three main ways to represent a graph
Go to December's log
Last modified: Wed Mar 26 11:51:06 CST 2014