Kalanand's November 2011 Log
November 10th
Privately installed ROOT at FNAL LPC
Jake Anderson has it installed it here:
After you have done the cmsenv command in your release you type this command at the shell prompt:
source /uscms_data/d1/andersj/ROOT/root528/root/bin/thisroot.csh
This changes the version of root that you are using.
Don't do this though if you are going to be running or compiling
and full framework stuff.
November 22nd
MCFM ntuple and instructions
Copy of the email I sent to Nhan Tran.
Here is the MCFM ntuple for diboson WW:
The following configuration file was used to generate the sample:
index 3: neutrino
index 4: lepton (assumed massless)
index 5: jet1 / parton 1
index 6: jet2/ parton 2
index 7: jet/ parton from extra radiation, if any
Instructions to run MCFM
1.) Please check out the MCFM version 6.0 following instructions
from here:
(Yurii Maravin and undergrads working with me found and
fixed some bugs in the original distribution -- the fix was
made by Ciaran Williams & John Campbell, the MCFM developers.)
1.) Run from either Yurii's directory (~maravin/nobackup/MCFM/Bin) or
Kristina's directory (~kkrylova/nobackup/MCFM/Bin), so you do not
need to install yourself:
/uscms_data/d3/kkrylova/MCFM/Bin your_config.dat
2.) Please use the following file to generate W+jet:
For WW change the process number ("[nproc]") to 62 for
WW->\ell^+\nu qq and 63 for WW->\ell^-\nu qq.
3.) Run the following two scripts in succession to convert
from Zebra (native output format for MCFM) to ROOT tuples:
Go to October's log
Last modified: Tue Nov 22 13:05:44 CST 2011