Kalanand's June 2010 Log
June 23rd
DBS search query to filter dataset by run number
Here is the magic query command
dbs --search --query "find file where dataset =/StreamExpress/Run2010A-TkAlMinBias-v2/ALCARECO and run=136100 and lumi>=1 and lumi<= 999"
Here is the command line dbs SQL query:
dbsql "find file.name where dataset=/MinimumBias/BeamCommissioning09-Jan23ReReco-v1/RECO and run.number=123596"
You can find proper syntax here:
To also search non-validated datasets:
dbs search --query='find dataset,site,sum(file.numevents) where dataset=/MinBias/Spring10-START3X_V25B-v1/GEN-SIM-RECO' --production
Last modified: Wed Jun 23 10:07:01 CST 2010