Kalanand's March 2013 Log
March 22nd
From Phil Dudero. Using superPlot one can make a large number of plots very quickly. Very intuitive customizations implemented.
Here is where you can find the source code:
To execute,
.L superPlot.C+
.L spDriver.C+
(which itself compiles superPlot)
root[0] superPlot("myconfig.cfg")
root[0] superPlot("myconfig.cfg",true)
to save to file
root[0] spDriver("myconfig.cfg","mytablefile.drv")
root[0] spDriver("myconfig.cfg","mytablefile.drv",true)
to save to files
Example configuration files for spDriver.C, see comparepus.drv and
comparePUs.cfg in directory
March 26th
ssh or scp to cern without password
Using the following steps I can ssh or scp to a CERN computer without typing password. This is very handy when transferring a large number of files between CERN and FNAL.
alias cern_env 'setenv KRB5CCNAME /tmp/krb_cern_`id -u`; setenv KRBTKFILE=/tmp/tkt_cern_`id -u`'
alias cern_kinit 'cern_env /usr/kerberos/bin/kinit -5 ${USER}@CERN.CH && cern_env /usr/bin/aklog -force -c cern.ch -k CERN.CH'
cern_env ssh ...
March 28th
Tunnel to machine inside of cern firewall
First establish a tunnel port
ssh -2Nx -L 5822:< remote>.cern.ch:22 -l < username> lxplus.cern.ch
To connect:
ssh -p 5822 -l < username> localhost
To copy:
scp -P 5822 < username>@localhost:< filepattern> < dest>
To rsync:
rsync -a --progress < username>@localhost:5822:< src> < dest>
Go to February's log
Last modified: Thu Mar 28 16:42:57 CST 2013