Kalanand's July 2011 Log
July 21st
To run mcfm on condor
Here are the instructions I sent to Kristina Krylova:
Step 1: copy the following four files in any place you like
(for example, you can make a directory named "condor" inside
your main MCFM directory):
Step 2: in file "runcms_new2.csh" change the following line
to point to your MCFM installation:
Step 3: in file "submitAll_condor.csh" change the input (.DAT)
file name and output directory name.
Add as many lines as the number of jobs you want to run.
July 22nd
Accessing Wisconsin T2 computers
I just activated my Wisc account by logging into the
"login.hep.wisc.edu" cluster.
It is a login machine that access the local /hdfs/space that has
a lot of room in it. I can also easily start jobs on condor there.
Their website
has a lot of information on how to use it.
There are two options to storing large files at UW. Either the scratch area or the hdfs space.
To move something to the hdfs space one has to follow the
following instructions
ssh yourLogin@login.hep.wisc.edu
gsissh -p 222 cmsgrid02.hep.wisc.edu
cd /hdfs/hep.wisc.edu/store/user/
From there, you can scp any files you wish.
Go to June's log
Last modified: Fri Jul 22 17:01:09 CST 2011