Kalanand's May 2011 Log
May 4th
To access trigger object 4-vectors
Instructions on how to access the
trigger object p4's passing a filter in AOD:
Other useful HLT twiki pages:
May 19th
Re-running trigger lists on MC
For emulation of triggers in MC using already
existing triggers in MC, there is a handy 'hltSummaryFilter' tool:
May 26th
Jet color coherence: pull angle variable
Paper by Jason Gallicchio, Matt Schwartz:
In order to compute pull angle you need information
(rapidity, phi, pt) about the charged tracks inside the jet.
Code to calculate the pull and the helicity angle (Higgs system):
pat::Jet *leadingJet;
pat::Jet *secondLeadingJet;
leadingDeltaTheta = TMath::Abs( getDeltaTheta( leadingJet ,
secondLeadingJet ) );
//the pull vector is going to be calculated using j1
double ZH_channel::getDeltaTheta( pat::Jet* j1, pat::Jet* j2 ){
double deltaTheta = 1e10;
TLorentzVector pi(0,0,0,0);
TLorentzVector v_j1(0,0,0,0);
TLorentzVector v_j2(0,0,0,0);
//re-reconstruct the jet direction with the charged tracks
std::vector< reco::PFCandidatePtr>
j1pfc = j1->getPFConstituents();
for(size_t idx = 0; idx < j1pfc.size(); idx++){
if( j1pfc.at(idx)->charge() != 0 ){
pi.SetPtEtaPhiE( j1pfc.at(idx)->pt(), j1pfc.at(idx)->eta(),
j1pfc.at(idx)->phi(), j1pfc.at(idx)->energy() );
v_j1 += pi;
//re-reconstruct the jet direction with the charged tracks
std::vector< reco::PFCandidatePtr>
j2pfc = j2->getPFConstituents();
for(size_t idx = 0; idx < j2pfc.size(); idx++){
if( j2pfc.at(idx)->charge() != 0 ){
pi.SetPtEtaPhiE( j2pfc.at(idx)->pt(), j2pfc.at(idx)->eta(),
j2pfc.at(idx)->phi(), j2pfc.at(idx)->energy() );
v_j2 += pi;
if( v_j2.Mag() < == 0
or v_j1.Mag() < == 0 )
return deltaTheta = 1e10;
TVector2 v2_j1( v_j1.Rapidity(), v_j1.Phi());
TVector2 v2_j2( v_j2.Rapidity(), v_j2.Phi());
//use j1 to calculate the pull vector
TVector2 t = getTvect(j1);
if( t.Mod() == 0 )
return deltaTheta = 1e10;
Double_t deltaphi = Geom::deltaPhi( v_j2.Phi(), v_j1.Phi() );
Double_t deltaeta = v_j2.Rapidity() - v_j1.Rapidity();
TVector2 BBdir( deltaeta, deltaphi );
deltaTheta = t.DeltaPhi(BBdir);
return deltaTheta;
which needs
TVector2 ZH_channel::getTvect( pat::Jet* patJet ){
TVector2 t_Vect(0,0);
TVector2 null(0,0);
TVector2 ci(0,0);
TLorentzVector pi(0,0,0,0);
TLorentzVector J(0,0,0,0);
TVector2 r(0,0);
double patJetpfcPt = 1e10;
double r_mag = 1e10;
unsigned int nOfconst = 0;
//re-reconstruct the jet direction with the charged tracks
std::vector< reco::PFCandidatePtr>
patJetpfc = patJet->getPFConstituents();
for(size_t idx = 0; idx < patJetpfc.size(); idx++){
if( patJetpfc.at(idx)->charge() != 0 ){
pi.SetPtEtaPhiE( patJetpfc.at(idx)->pt(),
patJetpfc.at(idx)->eta(), patJetpfc.at(idx)->phi(),
patJetpfc.at(idx)->energy() );
J += pi;
// if there are less than two charged tracks do not calculate the pull
(there is not enough info). It returns a null vector
if( nOfconst < 2 )
return null;
TVector2 v_J( J.Rapidity(), J.Phi() );
//calculate TVector using only charged tracks
for(size_t idx = 0; idx < patJetpfc.size(); idx++){
if( patJetpfc.at(idx)->charge() != 0 ){
patJetpfcPt = patJetpfc.at(idx)->pt();
pi.SetPtEtaPhiE( patJetpfc.at(idx)->pt(),
patJetpfc.at(idx)->eta(), patJetpfc.at(idx)->phi(),
patJetpfc.at(idx)->energy() );
r.Set( pi.Rapidity() - J.Rapidity(), Geom::deltaPhi(
patJetpfc.at(idx)->phi(), J.Phi() ) );
r_mag = r.Mod();
t_Vect += ( patJetpfcPt / J.Pt() ) * r_mag * r;
return t_Vect;
The code for cos(theta*) is:
TVector3 higgsBoost;
higgsBoost = higgsP4.BoostVector();
leading_higgsHelicity = getHelicity( leadingJet, higgsBoost );
secondLeading_higgsHelicity = getHelicity( secondLeadingJet, higgsBoost );
double ZH_channel::getHelicity( pat::Jet* jet , TVector3 boost ){
double hel = 1e10;
TLorentzVector j;
j.SetPtEtaPhiE( jet->pt(), jet->eta(), jet->phi(), jet->energy() );
j.Boost( -boost );
hel = TMath::Cos( j.Vect().Angle( boost ) );
return hel;
Go to April's log
Last modified: Thu May 26 22:04:44 CST 2011