Kalanand's April 2009 Log

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April 2009
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April 6th

Find the leading and second jet indices given the unsorted pt of all jets in the event

Here is the code to do this
void FindLeadIndex(float pT[], int &lead, int &sec) {

  float max = 0.0;
  lead = -1;
  for (int i=0; i<10; i++) {
    if(pT[i]>max) { max = pT[i]; lead = i; }

  max = 0.0;
  sec = -1;
  for (int i=0; i<10; i++) {
    if(i==lead) continue;
    if(pT[i]>max) { max = pT[i]; sec = i; }

April 7th

A variation of the above

Now let's suppose we need to find the leading and second jet indices but after excluding any electrons in the jet collection. In the Z+jets events there are two identified electrons. We remove these electrons from the jet collection by performing deltaR matching.
void FindLeadIndex(float pT[], float eta[], float phi[], float e1eta, float e1phi, float e2eta, float e2phi, int &lead, int &sec) {

  float max = 0.0;
  lead = -1;
  for (int i=0; i<10; i++) {
    double r1 = radius( eta[i],phi[i], e1eta, e1phi );
    double r2 = radius( eta[i],phi[i], e2eta, e2phi );
    if(!(r1>0.2 && r2>0.2) ) continue;
    if(pT[i]>max) { max = pT[i]; lead = i; }

  max = 0.0;
  sec = -1;
  for (int i=0; i<10; i++) {
    if(i==lead) continue;
    double r1 = radius( eta[i],phi[i], e1eta, e1phi );
    double r2 = radius( eta[i],phi[i], e2eta, e2phi );
    if(!(r1>0.2 && r2>0.2) ) continue;
    if(pT[i]>max) { max = pT[i]; sec = i; }

April 22nd

Copy data events from a remote site where I have no direct access

I can still run CRAB job on that site and essentially dump the whole event as output of my job without doing any processing of data.
Here is a sample script.

jobtype = cmssw
scheduler = glite


### The data you want to access (to be found on DBS) 
dbs_url   = https://cmsdbsprod.cern.ch:8443/cms_dbs_ph_analysis_02_writer/servlet/DBSServlet

### The ParameterSet you want to use
pset = copyData_crab_template_cfg.py

### Splitting parameters
#events_per_job = 25000
number_of_jobs = 4

### The output files (comma separated list)
output_file = exotica-EXODiPhoSkimOct09_7TeV.root


### OUTPUT files Management
##  output back into UI 
return_data = 0

### OUTPUT files INTO A SE
copy_data = 1
storage_element = cmssrm.fnal.gov
storage_path = /srm/managerv2?SFN=/resilient
user_remote_dir = /kalanand/junk


## RB/WMS management:
rb = CERN

## CMS myproxy server, to proxy delegation
proxy_server = myproxy.cern.ch

Go to March's log

Last modified: Wed Apr 22 03:19:32 CST 2009